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Hi, I’m Claude Machiha.

I'm a British-Zimbabwean Entrepreneur and Freelancer. Thanks so much for checking into my business blog. Get in touch with me to talk about literally anything. Check out the books I'm currently reading.

You can also book a meeting with me here.

Also, feel free to buy me a cup of coffee if you'd like a way to support my highly caffeinated approach to financial writing: buy Claude a coffee.


Diversitas Wealth® 

Find out more about my Financial Services firm Diversitas Wealth®, and what we do to help expats and nomads from all around the world to plan and best manage their finances, whilst adventuring abroad or settling down into retirement.


We're taking an innovative approach to Management Consulting, by providing traditional Wealth Management services using the Financial Planning methodology, whilst leveraging Business Intelligence Analysis, with an additional advisory focus on Investment Migration. 


Freelance Work

I find freelance work allows for me to enter into my deep creative space. Acting, Game Developing, Writing, English Language Training, Cryptocurrency Trading, and Masculinity Coaching are all areas I find incredible creative release from.

I've found that even the positive memories of my childhood are brought back to life through freelance work.

Libertas Film & Media®

Find out more about my Film & Media Production Company that serves in global movie, gaming & music markets.


Our mission is to create compelling film and various media with the use of cutting edge AI technology and software. Our film creation vision stems from passages of Biblical scripture and other religious source material.


Our music & gaming endeavors are inspired by the socio-political, socio-cultural & scientific environments from our world.


Rendezvous English®

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Find out more about my language learning institution that stands as a paragon of language proficiency in the Corporate and Entertainment realms of industry. 

Our meticulously designed Corporate programs cater to Human Resources, IT, Accounting, Finance, Energy, and Legal professionals.


Simultaneously, we recognize the English artistry and skill needs inherent in the Entertainment sector, and propose tailored courses for Drama, Music, Songwriter, Screenwriter, Voice Actor, Actor, and Director professionals.

I'd Love to Hear From You. 

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